Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Welcome to Deconstructing Disney World!

I've been to Disney World dozens of times since my first visit in 1971 at the age of 6 (my family attended the "official" grand opening on October 23 even though Disney World actually opened on October 1, 1971) and now I want to share some of the insider tips I've learned on this blog, whether you are seeking advice on not-to-be-missed Disney attractions, best places to eat and sleep, and how to save time and money at Disney theme parks.

To start off, below is a creepy 1971 Disney World commercial (actually a promotion for Eastern Airlines). Whoever came up with this thing must have been dropping acid. It sounds like Orson Welles doing the narration - who can blame him, he needed the money! I guess it beat doing those moronic Paul Masson wine commercials. For more classic Disney videos, check out Disney World Retro.

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